It takes a lot of time and you have to go through a lot of bad ones. Before I had a baby, I thought the simplest way to figure out what kind of gear I would need was to read reviews on sites like Baby Gear Lab and Baby Center (if only parenting were this simple.) As ergo was consistently named one of the best carriers, I felt fortunate when my sister-in-law re-gifted me her never used ergo carrier. Unfortunately, my baby did not feel the same way. I quickly discovered why the ergo was never used by my sister-in-law. Whenever I put my baby in the ergo, he cried. Not cute little kitten squeals, but full on pterodactyl type shrieks. So desperate was my little one to escape from the ergo that he would arch his back and use his feet to launch himself off of me in some kind of deranged baby suicide attempt. There was nothing ergonomic about the ergo for my baby or I, so we moved onto the baby k’tan. I loved my baby k’tan – it was soft, comfy, easy to put on and oh so cuddly. It rem
My wife and I started this blog as a project we could work on together as a couple. The premise of the blog was to write book reviews. Since then it has evolved into a myriad of topics such as: sports, anime, self-help, etc. Pretty much whatever tickles our fancy. We thought about monetizing the site to generate passive income. We signed up for AdSense but that took forever to clear. In the mean time we did Amazon Associates to see if it could generate any revenue. I can say with no hesitation that Amazon Associates is pretty useless for a blogger such as myself. I can't dedicate much time to this since I have a job, a family, and other interests. When AdSesnse did clear through and we put in the widgets, our life was getting pretty crazy. Our son was due, getting the house ready for a baby, family visiting. It inevitably led to the blog being left on the backburner for almost a year. So I was shocked to see that after a large time off from blogging, I saw that the b