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Finding a good baby carrier is like finding a good man...

It takes a lot of time and you have to go through a lot of bad ones. Before I had a baby, I thought the simplest way to figure out what kind of gear I would need was to read reviews on sites like Baby Gear Lab and Baby Center (if only parenting were this simple.) As ergo was consistently named one of the best carriers, I felt fortunate when my sister-in-law re-gifted me her never used ergo carrier. Unfortunately, my baby did not feel the same way. I quickly discovered why the ergo was never used by my sister-in-law. Whenever I put my baby in the ergo, he cried. Not cute little kitten squeals, but full on pterodactyl type shrieks. So desperate was my little one to escape from the ergo that he would arch his back and use his feet to launch himself off of me in some kind of deranged baby suicide attempt. There was nothing ergonomic about the ergo for my baby or I, so we moved onto the baby k’tan. I loved my baby k’tan – it was soft, comfy, easy to put on and oh so cuddly. It rem

Visible Learning

So I recently completed an educational professional development program known as ALPAP.  I guess I should backtrack a little here.  So my name is Jason, and I'm an assistant principal in a New York city public school.  I received a school building leader license in the past 4 years, and because of that, I do not have a permanent certification.  For those of you in New York and are in education, you are probably aware that all current certifications or recent certifications are dubbed as professional certifications.  Therefore we are required to maintain X amount of professional development hours to maintain the license.
The idea behind it was that people would be learning modern theory and would continue to do so throughout their careers.  The people who designed this system felt that once people procured their permanent certification they did little to nothing to improve upon themselves professionally.  Whether you believe that or not is up to you, but that is my understanding as to why the system is structured as it is now.
Well nonetheless, to circle back to my original point, I recently completed a 10 session professional development.  On the last day there was a final presentation by some mentor principals on data driven instruction, and they gave us some books on the subject matter.  One of them being Visible Learning by John Hattie.  So in a nutshell, the book is a collection of other studies, and then what Mr. Hattie does is apply a rating to each strategy/characteristic of education and rates its efficacy in impacting student achievement.  For example:  Acceleration is rated as having an .83 (or 83% to my understanding), so it has a profound impact on student achievement.  While something like summer school has a rating of 0.23, thus it has a relatively low impact on student achievement.
So what I'd like to share here is what Mr. Hattie ranked as the number 1 influence which is self-reported grades, having a rating of 1.44, which is by and far the highest rating in the book.  Self-reported grades is the student's ability to accurately determine what their current depth of knowledge is.  This is important because it shows us what the students perceive as their likelihood of being successful.
Now this portion is my opinion and next steps.  The aforementioned is important because it sets the ceiling and the floor for the students.  This perception that is formed by self-reported grades can either create an atmosphere of high-expectations (if students perceive themselves as A students and are A students), low-expectations (if A students perceive themselves as C students), and/or unrealistic expectations (a C student believes that they are an A student).
Mr. Hattie doesn't offer any opinions or recommendations, he only presents his findings.  To me when I read over this portion the mindset and next steps should be the following:
  1. Have student predict their current standing.
  2. Use data to show them their current standing.
  3. Conference with students to define a clear goal, and an actionable next step to improve upon their current standing.
  4. Follow-up and revisit with students, albeit, formally or informally to see how they are progressing and to hold them accountable.
The hope is that with these actions you can reinforce to exceptional students that they are expected to produce exceptional work products.  While with struggling students you can develop an action plan to improve upon their current standings.  And, with students with unrealistic expectations of themselves, you can use this information to have a brutally honest conversation with them.  But, for all students, I hope, we all hope, that they develop the ability to accurately self-reflect on their progress, as well as apply that practice to their personal lives.


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